
1.                  The greatest ability is dependability.

2.                  Faith is the bird that sings when tha dawn is still dark. Tagore.

3.                  Life is not a 100 metre dash, it is more a cross-country run! Joseph Kennedy.

4.                  The word "Impossible" is not in my dictionary. Nepoleon.

5.                  Success is often an idea away !

6.                  You can do very little with faith, but you can do nothing without it !

7.                  Troubles, loke babies, grow larger by nursing. Lady Holland.

8.                  If you are not afraid to face the music, you may get to lead the band some day. Edwin Stuart.

9.                  People do not lack strength, they lack will. Victor Hugo.

10.             Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up and moves forward. Malcon Muggeridge.

11.             Sanity is madness put to good use ! George Satayana.

12.             The future is the past, returning through another gate.

13.             Error is the force that welds men together, don't fear commiting errors, be quick to correct them ! Tolstoy.

14.             Heroes are made in the hour of defeat. Mahatma Gandhi.

15.             Better to fight and fail than not to fight at all !

16.             People who fight fire with fire end up wish ashes ! Abigail Van Burien.

17.             Anyone needing to know about Prizes should know that MOZART never won one !

18.             Life's dusk brings its lamp with it. Joseph Joubert.

19.             It is pain that ages us, not life.

20.              God is even kinder than you think. St Theresa

21.              No matter how steep the mountain - the Lord is going to climb
it with you. Helen Steiner Rice. 

22.              I would rather err on the side of faith than on the side of doubt. - Robert Schuller

23.              Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark.                                                  - Scandinavian Saying

24.              When the heart weeps for what is lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found. - Sufi Aphorism

25.              Wash your face every morning in a bath of praise. - Charles Spurgeon

26.              Prayer releases the power and wisdom of God into a situation.

27.              Fear ends where faith begins.

28.              Live by Faith - One day at a time.  

29.              Cast your cares on the Lord for He cares.

30.              Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up.

31.              Draw nigh unto God and he will draw nigh unto you.

32.              Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see. - William Newton Clark 

33.              Thank you, Lord, for the sheer joy of wanting to get up and help the world go around. - Roxie Gibson

34.              Worry is a total waste of time.  It doesn't change anything. All it does is taint your mind and steals your joy.

35.              You can't have joy without peace, and there is no peace without God.

36.              Those who have faith need no explanation, for those who have no faith, no explanation is possible.

37.              Fear knocked at the door and faith answered.  No one was there. - Old English Proverb

38.              No God, No Peace.
Know God, Know Peace.

39.              If you have a song of faith in your heart, it will be heard by the look on your face. 

40.              Everything in life is most fundamentally a gift.  And you receive it best, and you live it best, by holding it with very open hands. - Less O'Donavan

41.              If the only prayer you ever say in life is "Thank you". . . that is enough. - Meister Eckert

42.             We are at peace with God and all mankind when we hear the silence and do not feel alone.



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