Work is Worship





1.      Work is worship. Mahatma Gandhi.

2.      If you will not when you can, you cannot when you will.

3.      The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work !

4.      There has never yet been a man in our history who led a life of ease whose name is worth remembering. Theodore Roosevelt

5.      Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top. J.C. Penney

6.      Spped is important, but it is not everything.

7.      Look at the ANTS ! They provide an inspiring example of industriousness.

8.      Resolve that whatever you do, you will bring the whole man to it; that you will fling the whole weight of your being into it. Orison Swett Marden

9.      Time and Tide wait for NONE.

  1. 'Hard work - There's no way around this--you can't fulfill your career dream without a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and maybe even a little elbow grease.' - John Maxwell


11. Honest labour bears a lovely face. THOMAS DEKKER


12. If you don't do a thing in time, you invite worry.

13. The man who has the largest capacity for work and thought is the man who is bound to succeed. HENRY FORD

14.  Idleness is not doing nothing! It is being free to do anything and still not doing it !

15. I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life. BILL CLINTON

16. A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone. EMILY BRONTE

  1. How happy he who crowns in shades like these, A youth of labour with an age of ease.  OLIVER GOLDSMITH

18. The idea that to make a man work you've got to hold gold in front of his eyes is a growth, not an axiom. We've done that for so long that we've forgotten there's any other way. F. SCOTT FITZGERALD

19. A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality exhibits under this sun. THOMAS CARLYLE

20. If I were a medical man, I should prescribe a holiday to any patient who considered his work important. BERTRAND RUSSELL

21. To escape boredom, man works either beyond what his usual needs require, or else he invents play, that is, work that is designed to quiet no need other than that for working in general. FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE

22. Work banishes those three great evils, boredom, vice, and poverty. VOLTAIRE

23. No man will labor for himself who can make another labor for him. THOMAS JEFFERSON

24. If you don't find a way to do something as work that is fulfilling and enjoyable, then your life is going to be really sad. RUDOLPH GIULIANI

25. Does not the latent feeling that much of their striving is to no purpose tend to infuse large quantities of sham into men's work? WILLIAM ALLINGHAM


Anonymous said…
it's really inspiring
Unknown said…
i have not read it yet but looks interesting

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